This is the wire harness for the Backdraft Innovations Catalyst Fire Control Unit. The wire harness has the same connector as the PolarStar Trigger Boards, and for this reason the Backdraft Catalyst and Wire Harness are compatible with Polar Star trigger boards as well as Black Leaf Trigger Boards that use the P* Connector.
For the DIY Community:
If you need to wire the Catalyst FCU to your own proprietary trigger boards, switches, or existing trigger contacts, it can be done quite easily with a soldering iron.
Step 1: Cut off the 5 pin connector with the Yellow, Orange, and White Wires.
Step 2: Strip the ends of the wire harness
Step 3: Solder Yellow and Orange wires to the trigger switch
Step 4 (optional): Solder White and Orange wires to the selector switch
If all was done correctly you should now be able to use the Catalyst FCU on any trigger board you come across!